Inauguration of the academic year 2024-2025 

The new academic year 2024-2025 was inaugurated in a solemn manner in Nashik on the 14th of June, 2024 at Divyadaan: Salesian Institute of Philosophy, Nashik.

The inaugural mass was celebrated by the Bishop of Nashik, his Lordship Bishop Barthol Barretto and was con-celebrated by the Provincial of the Salesian Province of Bombay, Fr. Savio Silveira and the Vice-Provincial of the Salesian Province of Bombay, Fr Ashley Miranda and the other religious priests from the neighbouring communities joined for the Eucharistic celebration. 

In attendance for the celebration were the brothers, sisters and novices from the neighbourhood. All of them came together as one family to join in for the jubilation of the start of yet another year here at Divyadaan where young candidates for the priesthood are formed in all aspects and in a special manner for their intellectual growth.

The Bishop preached a very inspiring homily where he started off by asking the congregation what their dreams were as a child and how they have grown up towards it. He went on to say how everyone has a dream, and even Jesus did too, He dreamt of a world built on love, peace and joy. He concluded by saying that it isn’t enough for us to dream but to translate our dreams into actions and inspire those around us. 

After the mass, a brief moment of fellowship followed with some refreshments being served. The second year students lead the gathering into a moment of prayer by invoking the Holy Spirit through their choral piece. Fr. Robert Pen, the Rector of the community and Principal of the Institute welcomed the gathering with his own unique warmness. Fr. Jacob Palaparambil, the Registrar of the Institute then presented the Annual Report of the major events that had taken place in the year that had passed and also thanked the outgoing staff and students and welcomed the new staff and students on-board.

The handbook of the year was released by the Bishop, His Lordship Bishop Barthol Barretto and was handed over to the professors. 

The next major event of the day was the book release of Fr. Jacob Palaprambil titled ‘Person in Sankara Vedanta’. The book was released by the Provincial Fr.Savio Silveira and was then presented to the Fathers. The key-note speaker of the day was Fr. Jacob Palaparambil and he spoke on the book that had just been released. He explained why he had chosen this subject for his study and brought out the significance of it for the students after which many were interested in pursuing an in-depth study into the topic. The address was well appreciated by the staff members and students present and few of them poised questions to the author which were answered very well showing the in-depth knowledge of the author in the subject concerned.

The program was then concluded with the vote of thanks after which the students and staff shared a fellowship meal together to kick-start their new year here at Nashik. 

Overall it was a memorable day filled with joy and graces with many eminent persons gracing the occasion and wishing well for the students and staff to embark on this journey of questioning and reasoning, all for the greater glory of God.