The Dream that Makes You Dream: 

Annual Seminar at Divyadaan 2024

by Cls. Hilarius Kyndait and Sherwin Carvalho for BIS Mumbai

Divyadaan: Salesian Institute of Philosophy, Nashik hosted its Annual Seminar on the 12th and 13th September 2024 on the theme “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Don Bosco’s Dream at Nine” to celebrate the bicentenary of Don Bosco’s dream. 

The seminar consisted principally of ten eminent speakers offering different perspectives on the dream of Don Bosco, thus providing an insightful and broader understanding of the dream and its implications. The seminar was attended by Salesian Fathers, Brothers, Sisters and novices along with Salesian family members such as ADMA, co-operators, SYM leaders and teachers. The proceedings were live-streamed for the benefit of those who couldn’t make it. A book was released on the topic of Freedom of Speech, it was the collection of papers presented at the previous year’s annual seminar.

The programme commenced with words of welcome by Fr. Robert Pen, the rector and principal of the institute, followed by an introductory talk by Fr. Maria Anthuvan Tharsis contextualizing the dream of Don Bosco and clarifying the purpose of the seminar. 

The first paper by Fr. Ian Doulton offered a scriptural perspective of the dream. He interpreted the dream in the light of Biblical dreams like those of Samuel and Jeremiah. Fr. Ashley Miranda presented an ethical perspective where he stressed three elements of the dream: God is in charge, life is a vocation and a pedagogical strategy that flows from religion, reason, and loving-kindness. 

Fr. Valerian Pereira presented the historical point of view and pointed out three reasons why we need to study the dream: for inspirational value, as a spiritual document and an access to Don Bosco’s inner world. 

The principal of Dominic Savio school, Andheri, Mrs. Valerie Mascarenhas presented the educational perspective. Her presentation focused on what kind of preventive system for today's youth. Fr. Ian Pinto explored the idea of authority in the dream and stressed on the charismatic and divine nature of Don Bosco’s authority. 

Fr. Edison introduced the psychological perspective of the dream. He focused on how Don Bosco's dream was affected by his childhood and his surroundings. Fr. Joaquim D’Souza presented a philosophical perspective in which he touched upon the hylomorphic nature of the human being as being the only plausible explanation to the reality of dreams.

Fr. Robert Pen presented the linguistic and communicative aspects, namely, the symbolic, character, dialogue, imagery, moral and spiritual elements. Fr. Felix Fernandes expounded an existential perspective that made connections between various significant existential philosophers and ideas and the character of Don Bosco. The seminar concluded with a panel discussion which allowed the participants to ask questions, seek clarifications and express their insights. 

DAY 1